Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Arraijan Zone

Well.... Ive had changes!! I dont have a ton of time to let yall know whats up so Ill just summarize my week... its been great.

On Wednesday morning I got here, and we had our zone meeting. I have some close friends in this zone... including and shout out to... Elder McNamara!! woot. 

My companion is Elder Garfias, from Bolivia. hes a cool kid.

We have been having a good week... we have bee nhaving to learn our area... our ward was just split, and our area kind of changed a lot. We lost our best area, and gained a chunk with nothing in it... so we are basically opening an area :)

Im excited for this coming change :) itll be great. 

I short spiritual thought... Ive been memorizing a scripture everyday for like almost 2 weeks now. On sunday a return missioanry gave a talk about one of them. 2 Nephi 31:20. "Wherefore, ye must ALMOST pressforward, with ALMOST a steadfastness in Christ, with ALMOST a perfect brightness of hope, and ALMOST a love of God and all men. Wherefore, if ye ALMOST press forward, and ALMOST feast upon the words of Christ, and ALMOST endure to the end, Behold thus saith the Father, you will ALMOST have eternal life.

so basically.. work hard! Be obedient to the laws of God! He wants us to make it back to be with him, and he wants to bless us with eerything we need... but we need to follow the commandemtns... not ALMOST follow them...

anyways.. I love you all! have a great week!

PS... happy birthday Dad (June 26th)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 20 - Passing through trials

Well.. So that everybody knows, I haventwritten in a couple of weeks b ecause I got sick and their wasnt much to write about. But this week I have been cured and back to pounding the pavement :) 

There isnt a ton to write about thi week anyways... Tuesday we went to the hospital in David to find a better doctor, and that doctor figured out what I have. Soooo I wasable to start leaving again the next day :)

I didnt bring my journal so I dont remember super well what the events have been the past few days... but its been good :)

I heard this week about a promise President Thomas Monson made to the missionaries. If a missionary memorizes 1 scripture every day of his mission, he will have a photographic memory. I didnt hear about it until now.. so if I do it for two years from now.. I have faith the Lord will still bless me if I try xD its been going well for 5 days now :) 

Shout out to all the Fathers for Father´s day :) Im so greatful for my Dad and the example he has been for me in my life. Hes always been there for me througheverything. ready to talk and help me no matter what my problem is. Thanks Dad for always being there and carrying me through my trials :) 

Well.. I think thats going to be it for this week. Im sorry its so short and I dont have much to talk about. Yall have a good week and ill talk to yall later! :)

Elder Bradburn