I dont even know how many weeks I have in the mission... this is like.. week 10 in panama or something. I dont know. 9? Someone else do the math, I dont have the time right now XD
Well... tuesday and Wednesday are one entry... I got a little distracted tuesday night and wasnt able to write in my journal. We started divisions! I went with Elder Ah Sue, probably my best friend in the mission right now. It was super fun XD
Me and MArtinez set up a plan to just go contact for 6 hours of the day and Ah Sue didnt like that. He told me a new plan- We were going to say a prayer, and the first name that popped into my head, we would visit. So... for 6 hours we said prayers and then followed promptings to find people to talk to. That was so amazing! I dont think there was a lot of real success in that time, but I definitely helped me learn about the importance of the Spirit in the work that we do.
that night.... we went back home a little early because our area is a little dangerous, but not before we stopped buy a Chino to buy a gallon of ice cream and supplies for a milk shake.. and chips and cookies XD. and we proceeded to play Uno and drink milk shakes till lights out.
sooo... the following didnt happen. Shhh. Those of you who know about missionary work, its a rule that lights out is 1030. But when 2 gringos get together for a while... we end up talking about life and deep doctrine until 3 or 4 AM XD and then wake up at 600 XD the next day was rough because of that.
Wednesday.. we found a very amazing thing called the Area Book. Everyone who has ever been taught in our area, has a teaching record in this magic book. Well... if the missionaries were good missionaries. and... low and behold... 6 months ago there were sister missionaries. sooo... we have a billion teaching records of people who were forgotten about in the swtich to Elders. so the work is cut out for me in this area :) We went searching for all the people, but its hard in panama because we have to follow hand drawn maps that missionaries drew in the teaching record, because panama doesnt use addresses.
and then re read the previous statement about milk shakes and staying up late and re insert it here.
Thursday- Ended divisions.. sadly. I had enough confidence sparked by Ah Sue to keep us working.. somewhat. My comp has been really down since then.. dont know why. But we did teach this girl named Linda! Shes an old investigator that we happened to contact and asked that we go teach her :) So we passed by on accident and taught an impromptu lesson. Shes super super prepared for the gospel! But.. I think her mom is going to cause complications.. She really likes to talk and isnt so enthusiastic about our message. So we will see :)
Friday- There was a leaders meeting for my comp :) how fun. I hung out with all the other missionaries who dont have leadership callings XD I also recieved my mission card! finally! but... it doesnt have money on it. I talked with Elder Bird, my good friend in the office, and he forgot to put my quinsenna on the card. Soo.. Im broke till friday XD I can do hard things.
Saturay- Super fun day! We had a zone service XD Everybody in the zone got sunburned... I didnt know latins could get sunburned! Not trying to be rascist I just didnt know XD My comp and Elder Ah Sue took turns with a hacha... uhm.. with an axe chopping a masive tree in half. it took them 6 hours XD holy cow. The rest of us made an assebly line to help move other wood into a pile in an area that was safe to burn the wood. It was sos much fun XD We finally finished at 3 and took a zone trip to the Mcdonalds. so fun XD Im still burned. On sunday all the members called me tomatoe because my face is super red XD
That night at 5 we met up again to go on divisions to do a less active member rescue as a zone in someone elses area.. we went with members but I got put ina atrio of elders. Me, elder campos (ZL) and elder rodriguez. Super fun! It was nice to teach with other missionaries.
Sunday- uhm.. the positive way to look at it.. I listened to a lot of conference talks and read like 10 chapters in the BOM. Also... our power went out XD twice in one day. How fun.
But ya :)
Monday- Today was super fun! Me and my comp went to san carlos to go hiking :) It was super pretty :) I love hiking. Up in the mountains, its really cool. like climate wise. I hope at some point I get put in a cooler area XD
Anyways.. I learned something this week that I want to share. Elder Eyring (I think) gave a talk about the challenges we go through. He says many of us make the mistake of asking for challenges to pass from us. But what we need to pray for us that "the cup might pass before us, but the will of the father be done, and drink the bitter cup". He will help us through any challenges we have. He knows what is best, and I know whatever happens this week, if we have transfers, that it is the will of the Lord.
I love you all! have a great week :) 3 weeks till conference!
March 23
This week has been great! I got a new companion :) His name is Elder Mejia and he is a really hard worker, and really clean :) ya hes cool :)
This week has been great! I got a new companion :) His name is Elder Mejia and he is a really hard worker, and really clean :) ya hes cool :)
Tuesday- We got the phone call for cambios at 1 AM. I have officially decided that there is no phone call, even that one, that the phone needs to be on at 1 am XD from now on Im turning the phoen off at bed time XD
We then spent the whole day in the temple :) I love going to the temple! And we got home at like 10 PM :)
Wednesday- Well... my companion left at 7, and I was left with the Elder Figueroa to wait for our companions. Sooo... We picked up my companion at 9 and then went to Figueroas house to help him clean up. LAter, we had a lunch and an apointment in my area that we had to go to, so we went back to our area, and dropped off my companions luggage. During lunch, we got a phone call that there was a missionary all by himself that we werent expecting because he took a bus to Chorerra, and not to the bus station. So we had to quickly go find him, because he didnt have a phone XD We spent like 30 minutes trying to find him, but we finally did! Elder Hoeft! from my district in the MTC :)
When we finally got home, My companion said the house was to messy. So whats the first thing he did? Took off his tie, his shirt, and told me to do the same. We then continued to take everything out of the houseand clean EVERYTHING. oooooh the house is so clean now. There was a rat living in my old companions droor... where he kept his clothes.... uhm... gross. Also, there was a dead bird under his dresser. GROSS!
Thursday- We had a zone meeting to introduce the zone, and then we went back home. We had 2 lessons, but one fell through. The lesson we had was with a cool menos activo named Solustiano Arcia. He is a super cool guy :) He gave us some kind of strange fruit that Ive never heard of or seen in my life XD It was good though :)
After, back to work cleaning. And when we finally finished, (or so I thought) My companion said we needed to go buy supplies to clean. So we went and bought things to organize the apartment, and cleaning supplies. but we finally did finish cleaning.
Friday- We went getting to know the area all day, taking my companion to the houses of every member that I knew of who lived in our side of the area. Super fun, having short little lessons and talking with the members :) We really have a cool area :) We also had to rush to do a baptismal interview for the sisters.
Satuday- I realized... That when you goZ from not working, and studying a ton every day, to actually working hard, it really taxes you. Im super tired all the time, but Im glad we are working. Satuday and Sunday my spanish was super hard because I couldnt focus or think straight. Im super stressed, but working hard, and happily :)
We had another meeting in the stake center with al the missionaries, but we had to leave early for the baptism and to do the second baptismal interview for the sisters. But the mom wouldnt give permission for the girl to be baptized :/ entonces there was only one baptism. All the missionaries noticed something different about me and mentioned it- I look a lot happier now that Im working XD and me and my companion get along really well. I think he gets frustrated with my spanish, but we get along really well.
Sunday- I was super exhausted. I couldnt stay awake through church. It was super crazy. Ive never been so tired in my entire life. I feel like Im not sleeping as well as I should be XD ITs just the stress and readjusting to actually working. I also talked members of the bishopric about the area, because I dont know it that well and they told me straight up- You really dont know the area that well. What did you do for 8 weeks with Martinez? and it was awkward to explain that my companion didnt want to work, but they essentially told me that now a lot of thinsg made sense and that they are here to help me get to know the area. super cool :) I also went on divisions with members of the bishopric to get to know less actives who live in our ward :)
We finished our day going to the dinner. We heplped the hma cook, and talked all about mission stuff and her mission and everything. it was super fun :) We asked to sing a hymn but she said no because she didnt feel the spirit. I carefully asked if everything was ok, and she said no and started bawling. I still dont know whats wrong but she asked for a blessing. MY companion gave the blessing, and she seemed to feel better.
I really love the members of our ward!
also today, super fun, we got a random call that changed our pday plans- President Carmack called the Zone Leaders and told them that he wanted to have a zone activity with us! Super fun :) We played capture the flag and everything :) we all got super tired out and sister carmack gave everyone cookies :) It was a lot of fun.
Anyways, thats all I have for today :) The Lord brings us blessings! Just remember- Do what you can to continue progressing in life. REading scriptures, going to church, and everything. Because sometimes you have to fight for your own spiritual time. and other times, like now, Im working hard. Our life is filled with roller coasters and our situations are always changing. Just remember the Lord is there for you :)
I Love yall! talk to you next week :)